If you want to be happy, then keep smiling because it brings positive thoughts

Girl, Swinging, Hairstyle, Swing

Researchers at the University of Tennessee in the United States studied 50-year-old data.Researcher Nicholas claims that emotions are felt when the body and brain are connected when laughing.

One research claims that being happy is also related to laughter. American psychologists studied the last 50 years of data and discovered that the expression on the face is what the person experiences. He is motivated to do so. According to research conducted at the University of Tennessee in the United States, when a person is happy, he or she is happy. Also when he cries he makes others angry.
Researchers are exploring the relationship between smiles and emotions.
four green emoticon balls

According to researchers, when a person looks anxious, they become frustrated. But researchers say that this is not very effective in controlling mental states, such as depression. According to researcher Nicholas Coles, the conventional wisdom says that if we laugh we can be a little happier.

Nicholas Coles, a PhD scholar in social psychology, claims that emotions can be felt if the body and brain are interconnected during laughing. There is still research on face value. But based on the results so far, we have come close to understanding emotions.

There have been some discoveries that have not yet been made clear that facial expressions can cause emotions. Psychologists have been investigating this topic since the 1970s. There are about 11,000 people worldwide doing so. But research results show that emotions are less likely to be affected by less than facial expressions.