If you are worried about acne then take care of these 5 important things

Acne, Pores, Skin, Pimple, Female, Face
According to Acne Treatment Skin Experts, there are many reasons for acne. Oily Skin Blackheads Whiteheads cause pimples and skin irritations.

The spots and spots that appear on the skin spoil beauty as well as reduce your confidence. Pimples often pass out on the face between the ages of 14 and 30 years. These problems happen at the same time, they also leave white, black and burning spots on the face. If you are also often troubled by stubborn pimples then do not panic, we are giving you such tips with the help of which you can prevent them from coming.
If skin experts believe that there are many reasons for acne, in which oily skin is at the top. Excess oil on the face promotes blackheads, whiteheads, boils, pimples and skin problems. Pores are closed by oily skin and then dead cells begin to accumulate there. Pores consist of pimples with bacteria and then skin irritation. But if you take care of your skin then this problem can be relieved to a great extent.
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1. Do not scrub the skin
Do not scrub if pimples occur easily on your skin. This can make the face worse.

2. Make sure to wash face twice
Make sure to wash face twice a day with a mild face wash and lukewarm water. But, do not do more than this because over-washing can make your skin dry, which can then cause acne or pimples.

3. Keep clean
Take care to clean all the things that are close to your face. Such as, pillow, window, mock-up brush, mobile etc.
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4. Do apply sunscreen
Whenever you go out of the house, apply non-oily sunscreen on the face. This will give your face the necessary protection from the sun.

5. Take care to clean the hair too
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Acne on the face can also be the reason for your hair. For example, if there is a problem of hair gel, spray or dandruff, then acne can also occur. So always keep the hair clean so that there is not too much oil in them which can damage your face.

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